New College is one of the friendliest & most welcoming colleges. We’re a large student body where there’s always something to be involved in. Having featured in Harry Potter, Mamma Mia 2 & James Bond, it's also stunning, something that doesn’t really get old.
Enjoyed within the oldest (and tallest) dining hall in either Oxford or Cambridge, food at New is great. Most undergrads eat together in hall each night at a buffet-style ‘early’ dinner, which is the perfect chance to stay in contact with friends and get some nutrients in. If you’re after something more fancy, Formals take place three times a week (normally); Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays and are similarly priced. In this case, food is beautifully plated up and brought out to you to eat, whilst everyone wears gowns. If you’re after something more fancy AND you have a guest in town, Guest Night happens on Fridays every other week (since it’s rotated between the JCR and MCR). Here, food is even more extravagant, and should you want to impress your guest even further, you can pick up a bottle of wine at wholesale prices from college’s student-run, non-profit wine cellar (again the only one of any college). The wine is from all over the world and can double as a great (subsidised) present for Granny, setting you even further ahead of your siblings in her eyes. Wine aside, hall provides breakfast and lunch on weekdays, a great deal if you’re up before 9am. Up after 9am and it’s a weekend? Hall brunch is on and boasts some phenomenal hashbrowns. Our staff are lovely and cater to any and all dietary requirements. In the evenings, any food that would be wasted is ran out to rough sleepers in Oxford via our 'Curry Runners’ scheme/
The accommodation at New is some of the best, which matters; it’s where you’ll be living for 3-4 years. You can be housed very centrally within Oxford for the full length of the degree, meaning you can be everywhere within 5 minutes, enjoy the cost savings of a short 24-week lease and never actually need to learn how to fix a boiler. In first year, everyone lives together in the giant palatial building that lines Holywell street, making it very difficult to not make friends. Over 90% of rooms are en-suite (and those that aren’t only share between 2 or 3) making it very easy to remain friends. You’re not paying extra for such privacy either, instead everyone pays the same rent, which avoids grouping the year into how much everyone can afford. Heading into 2nd year the rooms are then ranked and order of choice is reversed accordingly, so it’s sure to be fair overall (although the bottom end of either camp is really not so bad). Kitchen access is limited in first year. Whilst this does mean you’ll have to wait to learn the art of beans on toast, instead everyone eats in hall, so it ends up much more happy and social. 2nd year is much the same as first with the option of kitchens and some houses to share with friends. In 3rd you can choose to live out or in the brand new very-shiny, slight-curvy Gradel Quadrangles, just North of college. Staying for a 4th? There’s a separate accommodation block tucked away behind the gardens. We also have leading disabled accommodation in the Kimber wing.
Should you love them, sports are big at New College, and as a large, social college you’re sure to get a taste for winning things. We offer all of the netball, football, rugby you could want and all the frisbee, rowing, stand up paddle boarding you didn’t know you needed. Want to have your voice heard? Students here are constantly writing plays, involved in the Debating society, the New College Law Society, or pushing for action in the Environmental Society. Alongside that, if there’s something that doesn’t exist you’re keen for, its straightforward to get funding and set it up. The music scene is big in college. We have a world renowned choir who can be heard performing in the chapel most nights of the week, or in special services and concerts dotted throughout the year. Our community is heavily involved in orchestras and bands, since rehearsal space is abundant within the elegant and recently completed Clore Music Studios. On the topic of facilities, minutes from college is New College’s Weston Sports ground, where we have cricket pitches, an indoor squash court, football pitches, punts, a basketball court, cricket training nets and 5 grass tennis courts (because what good is 4). The college also offers free membership to the University’s gym at Iffley to all students.
New College has a fantastic welfare system, with dedicated members of staff within the college, to ensure you have a smooth and joyful run through higher education. With your tutors, academic support staff, the College Nurse, the Welfare Fellows, and some very friendly porters, such a big college can feel pretty cosy. In addition to the senior welfare team, the JCR has two student representatives (usually second years) as a more direct point of contact for undergraduates who have any concerns related to welfare, and for the MCR, this contact point is their student Welfare Officer. Thanks to them, there are weekly Welfare Teas and other events such as Mindfulness Workshops, Yoga classes, or Pottery Brunch on Sundays which are always great fun! A team of dedicated JCR and MCR peer supporters - professionally trained by the University Counselling Service - complete what really can be considered a solid and well-functioning network supporting students during their time at university.
Entertainment is important and something we do uniquely well. It’s such a priority that the JCR elects two Entertainment Reps each year, to ensure you know what’s on and when. A big part of their role is running bops (Big Organised Parties) in which every two weeks an entire club is booked out exclusively for students at New (+ guests) where people put serious love into meeting fancy dress themes. There’s also a wealth of non-drinking events, movie nights and more relaxed evenings going on throughout the week. The college bar is a great space for grabbing a coffee during the day or a cheap drink in the evening and is always active. If you’re after something more sofa-based, the JCR is a great space to catch up with friends and offers table football, pool, table tennis and Mario Kart. The MCR has their own communal area over by the Weston Sports Grounds, with a bar, big sofas and a similar wealth of tabletop games. Every three years, college hosts a giant ball spanning the entire site. Running from 6pm-6am it’s not one to miss, however if you just can’t wait that long, we have a yearly boat party in which we sail under Tower Bridge and along the Thames, complete with black tie and live music.
New College is a great place to discover who you are. Everyone is caring, kind, and genuinely interested in the person into whom you will no doubt blossom during your time there.
My favourite thing about New College is the cafe/bar area which is at the heart of college. The board games are great fun, and the coffee isn't too bad either!
New College is an extremely friendly and welcoming environment to be living and studying in. Everybody gets along and there are always people around to do things with.
You might also want to take a look at the official college website.