I decided to apply for Theology and Oriental Studies, since it offers the great opportunity to study Christianity as well as another world religion, and to do intensive language training in order to get access to their key texts. During the first year, I concentrated on Theology modules and then decided to take Islam as my focus for the Oriental Studies side. The Arabic course in my second year was quite intense and rather challenging, but I spent a month in Amman in the summer, which helped a lot. It was a great feeling when the texts that used to look like beautiful but cryptic images of calligraphy slowly started to make sense!
What I enjoy most about this degree is that it allows me to study a large variety of disciplines – ranging from theology, philosophy, history and language, to sociology and culture – in different religious contexts. As I am fascinated by the socio-political changes associated with modernity and its effects on religions, I did modules on Christian Reformation History, Reform Islam and Modern Judaism. This course has taught me many skills that are necessary for the career in journalism that I wish to pursue. I have learned to deal with a broad range of topics in a short amount of time, to filter lots of information and come up with a consistent argument, and, most importantly, it’s given me the chance to advance my love of writing!
Make sure you read the official prospectus entry for the course which contains entry requirements, full course structure, additional interesting resources and full details of the application process.
If you're going to apply, you'll want to check which Oxford colleges offer this course.
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