Corpus’ reputation as the ‘small and friendly’ college really is true! As one of the smallest colleges in Oxford, our close-knit community provides a great support network and warm atmosphere.
Food at Corpus is high-quality and relatively cheap – it’s great value for money! Our fantastic head chef Jimmy puts on a fantastic menu every day except Saturday evenings, each one with at least one vegetarian and one vegan option. The average price of an evening meal is £3.34, with meals charged on a pay-as-you-go service – so you only pay for what you want to eat! Most first and third years eat in hall, as cooking facilities are limited on site and in the 1st year buildings, but it’s not required: it just makes hall a great place for a chat and a good meal with your mates. Three meals a day are served Monday to Thursday, with a formal dinner replacing the evening meal on a Friday, and Brunch served from 11:30-12:30 on weekends. The only meal not provided is Saturday evening, which gives you a great excuse to try all the amazing food on offer in Oxford! There are several special dinner events throughout the year: fresher’s welcome dinners, subject dinners, Halfway hall, and graduate dinners too!
Corpus provides accommodation for all years of study, taking the stress out of finding somewhere to live in Oxford. 1st years often live across the road from the main site, in the Oldham, Jackson and Kybald Twychen buildings. 2nd (and otherwise middle) years live in College-owned off-site accommodation, around 15 mins away from the city centre, and third years mostly live in the main college site. Postgraduate students are usually housed off-site, a similar distance away..
There’s a vibrant extracurricular culture at Corpus, with pretty much everyone getting involved. There’s a raft of things to do, from the drama society of the Owlets to sports team like football, badminton, rugby, rowing and tennis. There’s a club or society for everyone at Corpus, as well as informal nights organised in the JCR for things like board games for those who want slightly less structured fun.
There is a huge welfare culture at Corpus, both for staff and students. There is a large welfare team led by the Dean of Welfare which also includes the College GP (just across the street), the College Nurse (who offers drop/in hours in college), the Welfare Officer, the Senior Tutor, the Tutor for Graduates and the Academic Registrar. There are numerous welfare organised by the JCR, including JCR teas, which happen at 4pm everyday with tea, coffee and biscuits provided so everyone can have chat about their day! On Saturdays a bigger welfare tea is run in the Rainolds Room, which as well as tea and biscuits includes savoury food, sweet things like chocolates, and juice! There are 3 welfare reps – Male, Female and Gender Neutral, as well as reps for oppressed groups that you can also go to for support. The college also encourages as many people as possible to train as peer supporters every year, who can help with more in-depth issues that you might have, or give quick help in a crisis.
Corpus’ beer cellar is cosy and busy most nights of the week, on top of the three bops (Big Organised Parties) held each term, with a theme for everyone to take part in! This isn’t compulsory, but it is great fun and can often be done on the cheap or with things you will already have. Every two years we hold our ball, and each summer, the gardens turn into the venue for the annual charity Tortoise Fair, which is a general favourite of all and open to everyone in Oxford, where colleges race their tortoises – it’s a favourite for everyone in Oxford!
Corpus Christi is so manageable in size. It doesn’t take a week to hike from the hall to the library like some other colleges I could mention. Also, fantastic gardens.
Corpus is such a supportive environment. Everyone knows everyone. Plus, the 24 hour library is amazing.
Corpus JCR is like a big family. It’s small, friendly and buzzing with energy!
You might also want to take a look at the Corpus Christi alternative prospectus or the official college website.